Creating and Managing Digital Geologic Cross Sections within ArcGIS By Evan Thoms U.S. Geological Survey, 4200 University Ave., Anchorage, AK 99508 Telephone: (907) 786-7409; Fax: (907) 786-7401; e-mail: INTRODUCTION While geologic maps are now almost always created within a geographic information system (GIS), geologic cross sections still are commonly portrayed and archived as simple un-attributed graphics in either paper form or digital files. Yet, there are several advantages to creating cross sections within the same GIS as the map. Features can be richly attributed and symbolized with the same symbology as in the map, the scale of the cross section can be more closely controlled than in a graphics program, and, once created, it is possible to project the cross section back into the coordinate system of the map with elevation values so that it could be used for 3D analysis or viewing. Furthermore, with the introduction of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) geodatabase format, it is possible to store the map and the cross section within the same data container, which simplifies distribution and archiving. In this paper, I describe a Visual Basic extension to ESRI’s ArcGIS program that takes relevant information from a geologic map—the digital elevation model (DEM), geologic polygon layer, structural point measurements, and borehole information (Figure 1)—and builds a template from which the user can begin to digitize a geologic cross section. A surface profile is interpolated from the DEM, apparent dip is calculated for structural measurements, boreholes are shown as stick columns, and the amount of vertical exaggeration can be controlled.

Fundamentals of creating profile graphs. Profiles show the change in elevation of a surface along a line. 13 comments on “ Creating a topo. C; Title Description Price Rating; C2HSSJoints: Software for design of circular, square and rectangular hollow section joints.

The output data are stored within either ESRI shapefiles or ESRI geodatabase feature classes, depending on the format of the input layers. Cross section line in map view, above a geology polygon layer with boreholes. THE CONCEPT A key concept employed within this extension is that of “linear referencing”, a concept likely to be unfamiliar to most GIS users who have a geology backgrounde, as it was primarily designed to manage transportation systems. There are two intrinsic components to linear referencing. The first is a “route”, that is, a line feature that has been “measured” so that every vertex stores not only the X and Y attributes of its position but also a value, M, related to its distance from the starting point of the line.

The second component is a table of point or line “events” that occur along that route. In a transportation-based GIS, a table of point events might represent the locations of bus stops along a bus route, and a table of line events might represent sections of a road network that are under construction. When the table of events is referenced to the route, a new feature class is created without requiring the user to know or calculate the XY coordinates of the new features.

Linear referencing is used in the cross section extension, in three ways. First, the line of cross section on the map is assigned elevation values based on the underlying DEM and then converted into a route so that every vertex stores an X, Y, Z, and M attribute (Figure 2). Next, the extension builds a new line by setting the X value equal to the M and setting the Y value equal to the Z at every vertex (Figure 3). This step “flips” the cross section line on to its side so that it is represented in the vertical plane. The resulting surface profile is drawn so that the X coordinate at the starting point equals 0 and the X coordinate at the ending point equals the length of the line in the units of the map view.

It is also a route retaining the M values from the previous step against which events can be referenced. The cross section line after Z values have been interpolated from the DEM and after its conversion to a route.

Arcgis Cross Section Tool

Note the first, or starting, vertex has been selected. The new surface profile route (with 10 times vertical exaggeration) made by setting X equal to M, Y equal to Z (x10), and keeping the M value from the step before. In this second step, linear referencing is used to build tables of line and point events that occur along the cross section route in map view. Dcs A10c Warthog Keygen Download Mac. Line events represent the locations of the intersection between the line of cross section and the boundaries of polygons in an underlying polygon layer, which the geologist interprets as geologic contacts. Point events represent the nearest projected locations of points, either locations of structural measurements or boreholes, along the cross section route within a specified buffer distance.

The resulting line events table carries all of the fields from the original polygon layer with the addition of three: a route key field, a from-M field, and a to-M field (Figure 4). The route key field carries a value equal to the user-chosen name of the cross section route so that the linear referencing engine can place the events along the correct route. The from-M and to-M fields carry values that specify the beginning and ending distances along the route of each event. Once the table has been generated from the map view, it is referenced to the surface profile route (Figure 3) in the cross section. The resulting feature class consists of a collection of contiguous lines, each of which represents the intersection of a geologic unit with the topographic surface (Figure 5). Lines can be symbolized by attribute, or with a short perpendicular tick at the end (or beginning) of each line to mark the unit contacts.

Point events tables, similarly, retain all of the fields from the original layers as well as an additional route key and M field. Structural measurements are also run through a routine that converts the true dip into an apparent dip. The resulting feature class of lines representing the contacts between the geologic unit polygons. The final use of linear referencing is to build and attribute borehole “stick” columns in the cross section view. This process begins with building a line for every borehole, based on the elevation of the borehole collar and the final depth of the hole. Each line representing a borehole is then measured and turned into a route where some unique value, either a numerical id or text name field, is stored as the route key. At this point, a non-spatial table of borehole intervals or layers is required.

This type of table is often already part of a borehole database; existing in a one-to-many relationship with another table or feature dataset of borehole locations. The intervals table is used in the same way that the extension-generated events tables (Figure 4) are used. It must contain a route key field of unique values (usually a borehole id or name field) and two fields that describe the top and bottom depth of each interval. Once the intervals events table is referenced against the borehole routes, each borehole column consists of a collection of contiguous lines representing the intervals. The intervals can be symbolized and labeled according to any attribute in the table, to aid in interpretation of the subsurface geology.

USING THE EXTENSION The Geologic Cross Section Tool extension is available from me (see email address in title) as a dynamic link library (DLL) file. It has been compiled for ArcGIS 9. Once the DLL has been registered with the host computer, the tool can be added to any ArcMap toolbar through the Customize interface. It appears as a button with a simple “faulted strata” icon. To use the tool, first add appropriate layers to an ArcMap data frame. These are: a polygon layer of geology units, a line layer containing one or more lines of cross section, a digital elevation model or similar raster with elevation values, an optional layer showing structural measurement points, an optional layer showing borehole locations, and a related table of borehole intervals. The following are some requirements for the formats of the layers: • Before being added to the map, all layers should be projected to the same coordinate system.

• All X, Y, and Z values among all layers must be in the same units. In particular, check that all elevation and depth values in the boreholes layer and the borehole intervals table agree with the DEM. • The cross section lines attribute table must have a name field with which to uniquely name each cross section. Avoid using a single quote character in the name, that is, don’t use AA’ or BB’. • The structural measurements attribute table must have strike, or equivalent, and dip, or equivalent, fields. Convert any quadrant strike values (e.g., N30E) into azimuth values between 0 and 360.

• The borehole locations attribute table must have a field that carries the name of each borehole and a field that carries the total depth of the hole. It is best if there is also a field carrying the elevation of the top of the hole, but the user has the option of letting the extension calculate an elevation value from the DEM. • The table of borehole intervals must have a field that carries the name or id of the borehole that each interval is associated with (values must exactly match the name or id values in the borehole locations attribute table), a field that carries the depths to the top of each interval, and a similar field of depths to the bottom of each interval. • It may be necessary to make partial copies of the borehole locations layer and the related borehole intervals table that only include the boreholes lying very near, if not completely within, the desired buffered width of the cross section line. The extension tends to commit fatal errors when trying to process large tables. Once the map and tables are ready, the user selects a line of cross section (the selection does not have to occur within an editing session) and clicks on the tool button. A two-page form is displayed, on which the user selects the appropriate values from a series of picklists or enters information (Figure 6).

The user must supply a text string, which will be used as the prefix to the feature class names that will be created. Lastly, the user can choose to have the new feature classes added to a new data frame in the map document. The new feature classes are created in the same format and placed in the same workspace (a geodatabase for geodatabase feature classes or a directory for shapefile feature classes) as the layers on which they are based. Pages 1 and 2 of the Geologic Cross Section Tool form.

Here are suggestions for managing and editing the cross section layers in the cross section view: • Feature classes generated by the extension are assigned an “unknown” coordinate system, thus, the user cannot explicitly set a scale until the ‘Map units’ are set through the data frame properties dialog. Set these to be the same as in the map view (usually feet or meters). • Before creating geology polygons, create a feature class by importing the attribute table schema from the geology polygons feature class being used in the map view, and import the symbology. • Establish topology between the contacts and geology polygons layers (with either a map topology or a geodatabase topology relationship class) and use the relationship to build the polygons from the contacts. • For viewing in layout view, create a custom data frame grid with an origin of 0,0 and with intervals appropriate to the length and vertical exaggeration of the cross section.

Unfortunately, you must always divide the Y value by the factor of vertical exaggeration to obtain the correct elevation. I know of no way to force ArcMap to make that calculation for grid labels. • Ultimately, you will probably want to store the cross section layers in the same geodatabase as the map layers. In that case, store them in a feature dataset with an unknown coordinate system. Nearly final version of interpreted geologic cross section showing subsurface geology and boreholes (10x VE). Borehole intervals have been symbolized by classes defined by groups of unified soil classification system codes.

CONCLUSION I wrote this extension with two primary goals in mind. First, I wanted to be able to build geologic cross sections in ArcGIS using borehole data without having to purchase an expensive plug-in or a separate software package. In this respect, I have mostly succeeded (Figure 7). The greatest inflexibility is that data in the output layers are not dynamically linked to the input layers or selections, that is, many output files are often generated before an acceptable set is decided upon. As a result, the user must exercise good file management.

But the primary advantages are that the symbology of the layers in the map view can be used for the cross section layers and, at least if the geodatabase format is being used, the cross section layers can accompany the map view layers in the same data container. My second goal was to devise a method for taking interpreted cross section data from the cross section view and converting them into 3D features that would be viewable in a 3D viewing program, such as ArcScene or Earthvision. The extension does not yet do this, but I describe the presumed method here in the event that another developer will wish to implement it. Again, linear referencing will be the key. The process would be to take the X coordinate of every vertex or point in the cross section view and treat that value as an M value which can be referenced to the cross section route in the map view. The X and Y at that measure of M could then be used to create a new vertex or point where the Z value is equal to the Y coordinate from the cross section view.

At that point, the process will have come full circle and the new features will have been elevated from simple graphics to attributed spatial features that can be viewed and analyzed alongside other subsurface data. RETURN TO URL: /of/2005/1428/thoms/index.html Page Contact Information: Page Last Modified: Saturday, 12-Jan-2013 22:05:24 EST.

Introduction An elevation profile charts the elevation along a straight or irregular line. Their uses within the Oil and Gas industry include: • Infrastructure planning – eg, pipeline routing • Field work route planning • Providing a topographic profile for use in geological cross sections.

In this blog I look at the construction of vertical profiles for fictional potential pipeline routes. This analysis is important but only a small part of a study into a pipeline route. Down to business There are two main workflows for creating vertical profiles in ArcGIS, which both require 3D Analyst Extension. These include using a feature class and the 3D Analyst tool as well as simply tracing a line over the DEM. Backstreet Boys Greatest Hits Zip here. Firstly I got hold of a surface • I downloaded a section of a. • I converted the DEM to a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) using the in ArcToolbox, the use of which requires a license of the 3D Analyst extension.

Using Interpolate Shape Tool • In ArcMap I then created a line to represent my first possible pipeline route, as shown below. • In ArcMap open the 3D Analyst toolbox and the Interpolate Shape tool • Open the 3D Analyst toolbar and then select the line using the normal selection tools • On the 3D Analyst toolbar the Create Profile Graph button – will be activated. Upon selecting, a graph will be produced. Tracing a line freehand 1) In ArcMap, making sure all features have been deselected. Open the 3D Analyst toolbar ensuring the TIN surface is selected as my target layer in the 3D Analyst toolbar, and then selected the Interpolate Line tool. 2) I digitized a line following my first possible route and then clicked the Create Profile Graph button – (greyed-out in the screenshot above) – to construct my first elevation profile: Note: Right-click the graph to view and change its properties – properties such as axis data, graph type and symbology. Comparing profiles Using the same workflow, I created another possible route and elevation profile, shown in red in the map and graphs below.

This is great but I would rather have the two profiles on a single graph so that the information can be easily compared and exported to a report – to do this, I selected the lines (using ) and then chose Profile Graph to create a graph showing both profiles. Analysing the profiles The Graph Properties dialog allows you to process your profile data using a number of mathematical functions including: Median, Mode, Cumulative and Trend.

To apply these functions select Add/ New Function at the bottom left of the Graph Properties dialog: I wanted to display the cumulative elevation gain, so I added a cumulative function to the graph. This allowed me to compare the total elevation change for each possible route, as shown below. Creating vertical profiles delivers a visualization of the terrain of any given route; this analysis can be used as part of a larger project such as planning a pipeline route and on smaller projects such as forming the profile of a geological cross-section. Further to this visualization, using Graphs in ArcGIS allows us to use to view the data in various ways such as cumulating height over distance as in this example. Posted by Simon Kettle, GIS Consultant, Exprodat.

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