Upgrade ke version, 21.271. Dwonload Yang pertama harus dilakukan adalah meng-install driver Huawei E5372s. Jika kamu sudah melakukan instalasi driver, kamu bisa melewati langkah pertama: Hubungkan modem ke komputer atau laptop dalam keadaan menyala (ON). Buka My Computer lalu buka drive BOLT!

Jika modem bolt ane muncul eror, cek terlebih dahulu ver frimware Bolt E5372 (21.270.) harus di downgrade ke Firmware 21.270. – Tool Huawei Flasher *) downgrade ato coba lihat halaman ini gan semoga bermanfaat.

Cara unlock modem bolt 4g huawei e5372s - jalantikus., Unlock modem bolt 4g huawei e5372s bukanlah hal yang sulit. Dengan unlock, kamu bisa memakai berbagai macam sim card. Berikut adalah cara unlock bolt e5372s. 4g e5372s - huawei technologies., software, Bolt! 4g e5372s is a product of huawei. Download Huawei E5372 WiFi MiFi Router Firmware Free, unlock code of Huawei E5372 WiFi MiFi Router, Sunrise and Orange E5372 WiFi MiFi router unlock code. Yes my modem locked to bolt. Fl Studio 12 Crack Reg Key File. Before using your firmware, I tried use firmware from my friend But I think there is.

Free Download Driver Modem Bolt E5372s

Launch software If there is no DC-Unlocker/Rocker/Vygis or Infinity dongle connected to PC, then log in screen will appear. Use your account details to log in, otherwise you have a possibility to access software with free account that will allow you only to detect device How to get Username/Password check Afterwards, Huawei E5372 Bolt Unlocker software window will appear Connect Huawei E5372 to PC then check adapter binding settings like shown. Afterwards wait minute or 2 until it is recognized on computer then click 'Refresh' button, wait for device to be detected on software Click 'Unlock' button, monitor update process At the end a message will appear that unlock has beeen completed successfully Restart device to finish the process. Now device is unlocked and usable with other operator sim cards.

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