Tutorial No 7 of Socket Programming in C. Here we will code the Client-Server Calculator which performs the arithmetic operations, you can go one step ahead and include scientific, trigonometry specific or even the logarithmic operations with the concept. This tutorial is heavily dependent on my previous Tutorials. So it is highly recommended that you watch my previous tutorials if you are newbee. Socket Programming is a difficult skill to master. Congratulate yourself that you have come this far. Here are the code files(Caution: I strongly recommend to type in the code, Use this file only if you require.) Like, Share and Subscribe.
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Not much to comment on, this program is pretty straightforward. A few notes: • The user of the client has a lot of information to input. Fprintf(stderr, 'Usage:%s n', argv[0]); The more the user has to enter, the steeper the initial learning curve to use the program is.
Also, I'm not sure I want the user to control the and the anyways. A malicious user might abuse this for a DOS of the server. Eliminating those as required input and setting them in your code would be a more secure and a more user-friendly option. • You have too many comments. Close(clntSock); /* Close client socket */ For that particular example, it is quite obvious what that statement does. There are a lot of other comparable examples in this code. • It is more common to return 0; when main() is finished, rather than to exit(0).
In this program, my server takes a command followed by 1 or 2 operands from the client and returns the result of the operation. Its Plc Professional Edition Keygen Crack. I am having trouble in scanning the.
Both will call the registered atexit handlers and will cause program termination though.